Therapy Blog

6 Strategies to Thrive in a Canadian Winter
Amelia Larson Amelia Larson

6 Strategies to Thrive in a Canadian Winter

Maintaining mental health wellness through the colder months 

Does winter get you down? Dread the thought have having to live through another cold, dark Canadian winter?

Shorter daytime hours, colder temperatures, more time spent indoors, increase in chance of illness, and dealing with snow and icy conditions can take a toll on our well-being. If winter lowers your mood levels, how about approaching winter from a different perspective?

With a few shifts in our approach, we can not only maintain wellness in winter but thrive from the benefits it brings.

Here are six strategies that can help you thrive through a typical Canadian winter

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Parents Need Support Too
Amelia Larson Amelia Larson

Parents Need Support Too

Parents need support too - Addressing parent overwhelm. “Parents today often face many challenges that impede them in becoming the parent they want to be,” says Amelia Larson, Registered Clinical Social Worker and Approved Clinical Supervisor at As You Are Therapy & Consulting. “At the foundational level, our atomized culture diminishes the societal support systems that are needed for families to thrive.”

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Men’s Mental Health Signs May Be Different Than What You Think
Amelia Larson Amelia Larson

Men’s Mental Health Signs May Be Different Than What You Think

Men’s mental health signs may be different than what you think. Recognizing the signs of mental health distress are key to getting men the support they need for their psychological well-being. “Men feel stresses and pressures as women do, but they express them differently,” says Amber Jerome, Registered Clinical Councilor at As You Are Therapy & Consulting. Although, men are less likely to seek mental health supports than women. Destigmatizing and normalizing seeking help would go a long way to helping men.

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