Supervision & Consultation

Virtual practice accepting clients residing in Canada.

Clinical Supervision

(Amelia Larson, Approved Clinical Supervisor)

I have been fortunate to have gotten diverse field experience before coming to clinical therapy; youth work, shelter work, and family work in the non-profit sector gave me a solid foundation for understanding and supporting people. I have practiced clinical social work for more than 10 years. My desire to lead and skills in leading others, program development and creating opportunities for growth naturally lead me to nonprofit leadership and thus, supervision. For the past 3 years, I have led the development, growth and clinical supervision of a large non-profit team of therapists. As a practitioner, I identify as eclectic and am certified to practice a number of therapies. However, I am most drawn towards Narrative and Process approaches. My philosophy of saying ‘yes’ allowed me to work and live in multiple contexts across the globe and fueled my deep appreciation for how people live their unique lives. 

I have had some incredible supervisors over the course of my career and a few that left a lot to be desired. I realize the supervisors who taught me the most, were the ones that respectfully challenged my practice and reflection. Along with personal experience, I have taken clinical supervision courses to provide foundational and advanced theoretical understanding of clinical supervision best practice. 

Open and mutual feedback, curiosity, reflective and reflexive practice, relationship based, practice and theory informed, teaching and mentoring approaches and experiential learning form the foundation of how I supervise. I love supporting people to become the best version of themselves and who they want to be as practitioners, not who I am. I see my role as a mentor, coach and teacher to help you discover who you are as a human and as a practitioner.  


60 minute session |  $175

Complimentary 15 minute chat 


Oh, the possibilities! Coaching, training, clinical consults, case consults. Let’s connect to explore what is possible.